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Free Analysis of Your Electric Bills

We will examine your electric bills at no cost to you to see if there is potential savings through the installation of PowerPro e3™  In order to complete the analysis, we simply need you to submit the most recent 12 months worth of electric bills.

Please use the form below to submit your electric bills and start saving.

Electric Bill Analysis

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why Do We Need Your Bills?

    No two utility companies bill their customers using the same rate structure and rate amounts.

    Utility companies may penalize customers for poor “Power Factor” or charge more for one or more of the above units of measure for “Peak” and “Off Peak” usage.

    There now exists “Supplier/Generation”, “Transmission”, and “Distribution” charges for one or more of the above listed units of measure.

    CFT Energy Savings prepares a FREE detailed billing and usage cost analysis for each customer based on how their particular utility company bills them.

  • What Can You Tell From My Bills?

    From the detailed billing cost analysis we will identify:

    • How many days are included in each billing period
    • For what and at what rate a customer is being billed
    • Seasonal fluctuations of electric usage during a twelve month cycle
    • If the customer is being penalized for poor Power Factor
    • If the customer is being charged for peak and off peak usage
    • If the utility has over billed or made a mistake on the customer’s bill
    • If the rates or billing procedure has changed during any given month
  • What Will You Do With My Bills?

    After reviewing your bills we will:

    • Prepare a detailed billing cost analysis
    • Determine the approximate amount of hardware to install
    • Prepare a detailed proposal covering cost, annual savings, payback periods, and return on investment
    • Prepare a post installation savings analysis
  • What If I Don't Want To Submit My Bills?

    Without the actual twelve months of a prospective customer’s utility bills most of the above would be impossible to calculate. Actual utility bills are required in order to do the best job for the customer and the only way to offer a 100% money back guarantee.

  • Are My Bills Save With You?

    Yes, your bills are stored in a secure database and sent over a secure (HTTPS/SSL/TLS) connection. There is rarely personally identifiable information listed on your statements except your name, address, and account number.

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